Graphic Arts Color Experts' Day
Wednesday 12 June 2013
8.30am - 5.00pm
Chair: Craig Revie (FFEI UK)
Hotel Columbus
63500 Seligenstadt-Froschhausen
Am Reitpfad 4
Frankfurt, Germany
The ICC held a graphic arts Color Experts' Day in Frankfurt in June 2013. The focus of the meeting was on current issues in colour management that concern the printing, packaging and publishing industries. Approximately 60 attendees participated in the meeting.
Presentations can be downloaded individually from the links below or as a single zip file [24MB]
The main topics for the meeting were:
8:30am Introduction
8:45am Spot ink proofing and printing
The ability to communicate the characteristics of spot inks is essential for many kinds of packaging printing. The ICC has been working with ISO TC130 and ISO TC171 to develop a means to communicate the necessary information in PDF. More...
Proofing and printing documents that include spot inks Craig Revie
Predicting the colorimetry of spot colour overprints Kiran Deshpande
Brand Colour Workflow Steve Smiley
Spot color proofing and printing Dietmar Fuchs
Advanced proofing - spot colours Paul Lindstrom
Color Sequence Proof Sample" Victor Asseiceiro
11:00am Testing of the ICC digital printing exchange space profile
In some workflows users would like to be able to use the entire colour gamut of their digital printer and the ICC has been developing an exchange space to allow these workflows to be supported effectively. More...
Large-Gamut Digital CMYK Exchange Space William Li
Gamut index and other metrics for comparing colour gamuts Kiran Deshpande
11:45am How can an ink limit be determined that does not affect print quality
Ink saving has become very popular; in some cases, however, reducing the ink used affects the quality of the printed result. The ICC has been asked to recommend test methods that could be used to assess print quality when ink saving is used. More...
Printer Ink Limit Optimization Yue Qiao
Ink Savings Paul Sherfield
12:30pm Lunch
2:00pm Common colour appearance
The ICC would like to be able to make recommendations as to how to define common colour appearance and you are invited to participate in this activity. There are a number of candidate methods including the CIECAM-based sRGB profile workflow, IDEAlliance G7 or similar neutral scale adjustment and various proprietary methods including GMG's use of a 'ColorMaster' workflow.
Common Appearance - Introduction, Concept and Overview Andreas Kraushaar
Common colour appearance Paul Sherfield
2:45pm Media relative colour reproduction
In many cases printers need to be able to use a different substrate from that used by a standard printing condition (for example Fogra39) and in many such cases a media-relative workflow is used. In such a workflow measurements are all scaled relative to the paper colour.
We know that there are limits to the range of substrate variation over which such an adjustment provides acceptable results and the ICC would like to be able to recommend an acceptable range. More...
Media-relative correction for substrate colour Phil Green
Applying media relative colour reproduction - limits of applicability Berthold Oberhollenzer
3:15pm Coffee
3:30pm Black point compensation
BPC is a widely used feature when using the relative colorimetric intent to transform images. This procedure was first implemented in Adobe Photoshop in the late 1990's. This implementation is described in "Adobe Systems' Implementation of Black Point Compensation" dated 2006 and available on the Adobe website. The International Color Consortium (ICC) has created an updated description of the black point compensation algorithm to allow black point compensation to be used in a consistent manner across applications and to provide a close match to results obtained in Photoshop with the Adobe CMM. This new document includes a number of issues not addressed in the original Adobe paper. A number of tests have been conducted in order to check the suitability and conformance of the revised algorithm description. In this presentation, the rationale of this new document was presented, as well as a summary of the test implementation and the checks done so far.
Validating the black point compensation standard Marti Maria
4:10pm Other topics
CP7.0 Project Radovan Slavuj
XRGA myth and reality Tom Lianza
GWG Document Standard and ICC v4 William Li
4:55pm Summary
5:30pm Reception
6:00pm Close