Virtual Display Color Processor code
DIAM scientists at CDRH/FDA have released the source code of Virtual Display Color Processor (VDCP), a tool for monitoring pixel data sent from the computer to the display via the Digital Video Interface (DVI) cable. The VDCP tool retrieves the red, green, and blue subpixel values and shows the real-time information on the display.The VDCP tool can be used to obtain the digital output of a whole-slide imaging system, including the color management, for evaluating the color performance without optically measuring the display. Since the display, which is characterized separately by its vendor, is excluded from the evaluation, the color bench tests are greatly simplified and the test results are not affected by the calibration quality of the display.
The test data can help in the regulatory review of individual components in medical imaging products including scanners, workstations, and display devices. In addition to digital pathology, the VDCP tool can also be used for other modalities including flexible endoscopy, capsule endoscopy, computerized cytology, and for characterizing radiology and imaging devices that employ an external DVI display. The source code and the original paper can be retrieved here.
For more information contact Dr. Wei-Chung Cheng