ICC DevCon '08
Portland, Oregon
Presenter bios
Morning session
9.25 am Discussion of Intelligent CMM — X-Rite CMM
James Vogh, X-Rite
James Vogh received his M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering form the University of Tulsa in 1990 and a Ph.D. in Cognitive and Neural Systems from Boston University in 1998. During his Ph.D. he developed a neural network architecture for recognizing 3D objects. At Monaco Systems he developed ICC based calibration technologies. Since 2004, he is a principle engineer at X-Rite where he continues to develop calibration technology as conducts advanced research in color science.
10.35 am Color management in Mac OS — from RAW image data to display and print
Luke Wallis, Apple
Luke Wallis is a Senior Scientist in ColorSync group, in the Graphics & Imaging Department of Apple R&D. He has been involved in implementation of ICC color management since 1995. His responsibilities include color management in Mac OS X, and ColorSync framework.
11.30 am Colour management bricks on Linux
Kai-Uwe Behrmann, Oyranos, open source CMS
Kai-Uwe Behrmann is one of the lead developers of CinePaint and a very active contributor in Colour Management on Linux. In addition to other open source and proprietary projects he works on the Oyranos open source CMS.
Afternoon session
1.30 pm Colour measurement for profile creation
Phil Green, London College of Communication
Phil Green is a Reader in Colour Imaging at the London College of Communication in the UK, where he runs the MSc in Digital Colour Imaging. He joined LCC after a period working in the printing industry in London. Phil has an MSc from the University of Surrey and a PhD from the Colour & Imaging Institute at the University of Derby. He has written and edited several books on colour and the graphic arts, including Understanding Digital Color and Colour Engineering.
2.15 pm Flexible colour management for graphic arts
Craig Revie, FFEI UK
Craig Revie has been with FFEI (formerly Fujifilm Electronic Imaging) since January 2001 where he is a Principal Consultant to the RIP and workflow development group. Most recently he has been responsible for the development of Fujifilm XMF Workflow, a software product designed to enable high quality production of graphic arts print production. In addition to his responsibilities with FFEI, Craig represents Fujifilm in the ICC and other standards groups. He recently served as ICC Chair and for quite a few years has been chair of the Graphic Arts Special Interest Group.
Previously Craig was with Harlequin Limited for eleven years and in that role was one of the developers of Harlequin Dispersed Screening (HDS) that now forms the basis of a number of industry standard FM solutions. He was also responsible for the design and some of the implementation of Harlequin Color Production Solutions, the company's suite of color process control options for the Harlequin RIP.
Craig has more than fifteen years experience in the prepress industry. He began his career at Xenotron where he led the development of a software RIP product. After Xenotron, he joined Dr. Ing Rudolph Hell where he developed algorithms for colour screening and the display of images on a colour monitor, among other projects. Craig then moved to Gems of Cambridge where he developed The Color Solution, a high performance image processing system for prepress applications.
3.00 pm ICC profile internal mechanics
Marti Maria, HP
Marti is an engineer and color scientist working in the color workflows group at the large format printer division of Hewlett-Packard. He has been in this position since 2004, and his responsibilities, among other things, include color management firmware, profiling and color separations. Marti is also the author of the well-known open source software packages: LittleCMS and LPROF. Previously to Hewlett-Packard, Marti worked in ICR, a small company he created, doing imaging software and color consultancy. His research interests span various color imaging technologies and techniques for computer basic graphics. Marti holds a degree in electrical engineering from Universitat Politécnica de Barcelona, and has 25 years of experience in the fields of software design and color science. He is married and has a beautiful daughter.
4.00 pm Floating point color processing with ICC profiles
Max Derhak, Onyx Graphics
Maxim Derhak received his B.S. in Computer Science from the University of Utah in 1991. He received his M.S. in Imaging Science in 2005. Since 1990 he has worked with Onyx Graphics helping to pioneer the development of short run large format image reproduction using electrostatic and inkjet technologies. He is currently a Senior Software Architect and representative for Onyx Graphics in the International Color Consortium. He is currently Chair of the ICC Architecture Working Group.
4.45 pm How to use the new sRGB preference v4 profile in a workflow
Ingeborg Tastl, HP
Ingeborg Tastl is a senior color scientist, who has worked at HP-Labs in Palo Alto, California, since 2001, in the areas of color reproduction and color management related to different printing technologies. She represents HP at the International Color Consortium (ICC) and chairs the ICC Profile Assessment Working Group. Before joining HP her focus point was on color issues within camera pipelines while working at Sony's US Research Lab in San Jose, California. Ingeborg has published nearly 40 papers, has two issued US patents and four filed patent applications. She has co-authored two book chapters, taught two IS&T short courses on color management, and served as General Co-Chair of the IS&T/SID Color Imaging Conference in 2002 and as Technical Program Co-Chair for the same conference in 2001. Ingeborg received her Master's degree in Computer Science in 1990 from the Vienna University of Technology, and a Ph.D. degree in Color Science from the same University in 1995. Before switching to industry she enjoyed working for six months as a PostDoc at ENST in Paris.
5.30 pm Kodak demonstration — soft proofing color
William Li, Eastman Kodak
William Li leads the color technology team at Kodak Graphic Communications Group, which is a leading provider of innovative solutions for conventional, digital, and blended print production environments. Mr. Li first joined Creo as part of the award-winning Prinergy PDF workflow team working in the areas of screening and calibration software in 1997. Following Kodak's acquisition of Creo, he led the integration of color technologies across the Kodak Graphic Communications Group. He brings a diverse background in engineering physics and systems design to the graphic arts as part of the Kodak Graphic Communications Group. Mr. Li has been active in international standards work dealing with color and workflow. He has served as chair of the International Color Consortium since 2006.
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